Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Slackers vs. Workers…

September 6, 2012

When you continue to reward the slackers and punish the workers, before long, you’ll have more slackers than workers. The liberals know this and have been “chipping away” for decades. Now, I fear, through indoctrination and importation, the slackers outweigh us and will continue to grow because of fear of personal responsibility. A society of dependents is much easier to govern.
The real problem is with the workers, who continue to shake their heads in wonder, rather than attack the real problem.
The liberals have made “political correctness” the most potent weapon in their arsenal, and the pathetic moderates and conservatives fear that label more than they fear the ultimate destruction of their country and their way of life.
Nicey-nice guys like Romney wouldn’t say “shit” if they had a mouthful. We need a true firebrand who is not afraid to speak the truth and who will not rely on the idiots like Limbaugh and Hannity to stammer and stumble and “cute boy” our message. Ultimately, they will drive away more potential moderate voters than they will garner.
I know that health care is a huge problem, but I also know that government involvement is the problem, not the answer. Government does not know when to stop. They don’t know when to involve the recipient in their own care rather than removing all personal responsibility. Just give them your vote and all your money and they will take care of you. When we realize the fallacy of this premise, it will be too late to turn back.

Congress in charge of health care…

August 16, 2009

How in the world can thinking people even consider putting something so important as health care in the hands of the government? Think about the people who are currently running the “government”; the people who have barely a 30% approval rating. The same people who have put the postal service in a financial quagmire. They are not statesmen, they are not patriots, they are career politicians who will do and say ANYTHING to keep their position. Even destroy America. With all the really bright, honest people in this great country, how do we keep winding up with these dolts?

Obama’s policies will continue to squeeze the middle class…

July 19, 2009

This socialist administration continues to squeeze billions of dollars in taxes from hard working middle class Americans so that they can provide goods and services for millions of people who are unwilling to take the steps necessary to provide for themselves.  This same bunch allows members of congress to enrich themselves and their friends at the public trough.

Those who refuse to get an education, or refuse to be parents to their offspring, should not have access to the results of the hard work and discipline of of the good people of this still great country.

I am sick of the professional excuse makers and whiners whose expectations are so low that by their whining  seek to legitimize the lack of action by the slackers. Welfare, in all it’s forms, should be reserved for those who absolutely cannot provide for themselves.

If the fact that you are poor is a result of your lack of effort, then so be it! You’ll forever be poor. Hard core? Maybe, but hunger is a great motivator and will do more to solve the problem than taking money from those who are already stressed (because of government meddling in the markets) and giving it to a group who are not worth the effort.

Government’s solution to our problems seems to be to sacrifice the many in a futile attempt to save the few. Classrooms and teachers are held hostage by the few bad apples that constantly create problems and rob decent students of the chance to learn without these distractions. Good teachers become frustrated to the point that they simply go with the flow dictated by the bureaucracy rather than use their considerable skills to teach attentive students.

Welfare programs that are designed to kill incentive and to keep in line a whole new block of voters who will elect those who will promise even more welfare are destructive to our great country. These programs need to be eliminated, not reformed.

Having said all that, I am firmly in favor of programs that are designed to help those who are making a genuine effort to work and better themselves and their children. That help should be based on need and should be withdrawn gradually as the recipient gains education and earning power, not eliminated totally at a point decided by another mindless bureaucrat.

Common sense can solve any problem we have. Common sense that demands effort and accountability. Common sense that knows when to sever the cord.

Obama’s flawed view of America…

July 4, 2009

I fear this president has a goal of America’s ultimate destruction. His motive, I think, is to rebuild a country of total socialist control. His vision of “government” is ownership and control by his appointed cronies and with all his “education”, he is not smart enough to understand that his vision is fatally flawed.

Society is best served by allowing good people to thrive and create.

Government can’t create jobs, their only power comes from access to our money. He has found he can spend our money any way he wants, and seemingly get away with it. Many good Americans are watching with anger and sadness.

Should Merchant Ships Be Armed?

April 14, 2009

The big question of the day may be whether or not merchant ships should be armed so that they can defend themselves against would-be highjackers.
The answer to most Americans is quite obvious.
Yes! Absolutely! Let’s face it. Most American men love guns, know how to use them, and would relish the chance to kill a real live pirate! Especially when the alternative might be to be taken hostage and taken to Somolia where some really horrible things can and have happened to Americans (and others) at the hands of these savages.
Blowing a small fishing boat out of the water should be very easy for ships equipped with live men as sentinels and electronic detection devises. A fast and deadly response to anyone who tries to take over a full manned ship should prove to be absolute folly!
Why the shipping owners are hesitant to protect their employees is beyond me.

Radon: Another Government Sponsored Rip-off!

April 12, 2009


Every day in the media we see and hear “public service” announcements warning of the dangers of  residential Radon Gas. This colorless, odorless substance is mindlessly reported to be “the second leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.” (What is the first?) Never mind that there is absolutely no evidence that this is true, government health agencies continue to spread the myth, and thousands of contractors take advantage of the fears of people who believe these reports. Old people are the most susceptible to the fear mongers and are duped out of their savings to “cure” this problem.

Medical people who study cancer in all its forms and all its causes have concluded the following:

“Exposure to the radioactive gas radon has been suggested to increase the risk of lung cancer development. This gas is ubiquitous in the earth’s atmosphere, creating the opportunity for exposure of vast numbers of people.

However, passive exposure to the background levels of radon found in domestic dwellings and other enclosures are not sufficiently high to increase lung cancer risk appreciably.

High level radon exposure has been documented among miners working in uranium, iron, zinc, tin, and fluorspar mines. These workers show an excess of lung cancer (compared to non-miners) that varies depending on the radon concentration encountered in the ambient air of the specific mine.”

I’m reminded of another, similar rip-off. Remember Y2K? Thousands of low level bureaucrats were convinced that this phenomenon would, at the strike of midnight marking the year 2000, cause computer dependent devises like airplanes, to drop out of the sky, trains would halt on their tracks, cars would become disabled, bank records would disappear, along with our savings and investments, and our personal computers would be compromised. This is just a small sampling of the predicted dreadful results of the computer confusion caused by “Y2K”.

Opportunist made millions by conducting “seminars” that were supposed to educated the gullible on how to avoid this disaster.

Those who really knew how computers work were not panicking. In fact, they were doing and saying nothing. Just watching in amusement, amazed at just how scatterbrained Americans have become.

And, how irresponsible government can be. And, of course, we’re seeing even more evidence of government irresponsibility now with even more dire consequences.

Government Run Health Care?

April 7, 2009

If, indeed, we are headed toward a government run health care plan, which is, of course, a very bad idea, why not look into this: Why not set up a new bureau just to pay medical bills. Bypass the insurance companies. Government paid premiums will only result in a mish mash of untrackable corruption anyway. In any government run program, that is a given.

A government run health care system will also promote corruption, but it might be easier to document. Look at Medicare. False claims are paid daily, government officials know it and admit it, but are not just hesitant to do anything about it, they refuse to even try to stop it. Bureaucrats are trained to be lazy and unresponsive because they are so well insulated from the real life the rest of us live in. But that’s another story.

Most of us who actively and voluntarily look out for our own health will cost the system very little. Those who abuse and ignore their own health needs will, of course, cost the system more. It’s going to be that way anyway. Those folks will always be dependent upon others for their welfare. And, all of this welfare is being paid for now by those of us who work and pay taxes. Inept governenment depends on dependents to keep them in office, and they are experts at keeping  “disadvantaged” people dependent of government handouts.

The real point is, is we’re going to pay for everyone’s health care, why not pay direct and eliminate the middle man, the insurance companies?

It’s the ongoing pattern of government; reward the slackers, penalize the workers.

Conservative “Opportunists”…

April 7, 2009

The only trouble with being a conservative in today’s political climate is having to put up with the proliferation of the Conservative “Opportunists”. You know who  I mean. The blatherers, stammerrers, stutterers, yellers, interupters and cacklers. The ones who have found an easy way to make a living being outlandish boors. Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O’reilly, and of course Fox & Friends.  All could be of true value to conservative Americans by presenting our case in more reasonable terms. But, they have all chosen the easy way, pandering to people’s basic instincts instead of making a true effort to impart the information we all need in a more sane venue. What’s more disturbing is that Limbaugh (abusing prescription drugs) and Beck (an alcoholic, and a genuine nut) are among the most influential.